Herbal Breast Enhancement

By Eric Morris

Herbal breast enhancement techniques are becoming widely popular with women who seek alternatives to surgery. Surgery is suspected to bring about anatomical disorders in the body. This fear has caused many herbal products to be introduced in the market. These herbal foods are claimed to act on the breasts either directly or after metabolism.

The most popular herbal ingredient is saw palmetto, which is also chiefly used to treat benign prostrate in men. Another is fennel seed, which bring up the estrogen count in women. Fenugreek and wild yam are also supposed to bring about breast enhancement. Other ingredients include soy, ginseng, dandelion, and blessed thistle.

Most herbal supplements are available in pill form so that they become easy to ingest. They are also available in other forms such as capsules, creams, lotions, soaps, and aromatic candles. At this time, none of these products are patented.

More and more women are succumbing to the promises made by herbal supplement manufacturers that they can increase bust-line by one to three bra cup sizes. This has led to competition in the market and the contamination of the enhancers with artificial hormones is not unusual. Some enhancers are contaminated with artificial estrogen, which is a known human carcinogen.

The medical fraternity is in opposition to herbal breast enhancement. According to them, breast size is genetically determined and it can be enhanced by exercises. But herbal supplements are a strictly advised against because they interfere with the metabolism of the body.

Also, each person’s body reacts differently to different ingredients and so there cannot be a unique formula for tissue stimulation. Experiments conducted on rats with herbal supplements showed different results for different amounts of doses.

The manufacturers themselves pitch their products in a very aggressive manner. They rely on real life experiences of people supposed to have used their product. None of them provide any medical evidence to justify their product. At the same time, they provide refunds if their products don’t show results within a stipulated period. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_Morris